Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Here's to the Past

Day 8/365-JAnuary 8, 2013
Here's to the past, the time that has already gone. Here's to the time where we made mistakes, and leared from them. Here's to the past, where we can find a solution to your biggest conundrum. Here's to the time when we may have been sad or happy. Here's to the past.

This one, well, is a sort of idedicated to my history book. Let me explain, we learn from our mistakes, like I won't do what the dictator of Libya did and have a whole country hating me, and I won't say what I know is the wrong answer in math class either. But there's another inspiration here, and this one you have to guess.

1 comment:

  1. I can't guess for my life.
    Great post, as usual.
    Interesting twist, making us guess.

    Merp, but the awesomeness of the post made up for it.
