Sunday, January 6, 2013

Here's to the Hopeful

Day 5/365 January 5, 2013
Here's to the hopeful, the ones who will what patiently to get wait they want. Here's to the ones who act as though what they were waiting for had been thought of yesterday. Here's to the ones who inspire. Here's to the hopeful.
This trait is something I see in so many people, so many friends of mine-I guess those people are the nicest. The ones who never give up hope are also the ones who always love, no matter what.


  1. No inspiration?
    Oh well, it's good enough without one.
    All of them are, and the inspirations are an added bonus.
    They are all perfect and I am always looking forward to reading the next one.

  2. Sara,
    Telling people what they should act as, spreading the good.
    I like it.
